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Is this clinic right for me?

Before booking an appointment, it's important to check that you fit the treatment eligibility requirements for this clinic.
Read through the list below, and if these statements all apply to you then please continue with your booking.

Treatment Eligibility Requirements:

An Australian resident
Have a medical condition diagnosed by a doctor that has persisted for more than 3 months.
Tried other conventional treatments for your condition without success, or experienced significant side effects from them.
Not currently being treated for a substance abuse disorder, nor have a history of substance abuse.
Not have a history of severe or unstable mental health conditions, such as schizophrenia, psychosis, or suicidal ideation.
Please note:
If you are transferring from another clinic and have open scripts, you must request to be discharged first and ensure any active scripts are cancelled. Without a discharge letter, we cannot proceed with the appointment.
Want to discuss a potential booking?
Call our friendly team on 1300 436 111 for a free, no obligation chat to help with your questions.
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